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Join our Omnilov3 Community to access our Monthly Ascension Class & QA & Meditations


Our Monthly ascension classes and QA, with Meditation Supports for reclaiming the personal auric field, and etheric surgery of Hierogamic Guardian Host Tools is available to our members. At this time, only a small range of our products is available here in the store, with the majority of the audio & energetic supports only available to our members. We provide regular guardian updates via audio and threads, and provide a safe space to explore the ascension and rehabilitation of the personal lightbody to the guardian host protocols of cosmic christos authentic teachings from the solar rishi-reisha in the cosmic dragon awakening cycle.

Our community is a sacred site dedicated to self-study learning and participation to understand the christ consciousness law of one, and learn about spiritual warfare on our planet in the ascension. Psychic Self Defense, and to build one's original 12 Dimensional Auric Field of the Diamond Sun template, which is the pathway to reclaiming the spiritual bodies and auric field repairs as the embodiment pathway of the inner Christos from Lunar Transfiguration to Solar Embodiment. This process is unique to each person's biological clockshields, and is the process of purification to build out the indwelling of the christos-sophia inside the self.

We have no social media presence by design.

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